
Annual Report

This comprehensive report encapsulates the achievements, milestones, and transformative journeys that define our academic year. As we reflect on the past year, we celebrate the collective efforts that have shaped our university community and propelled us forward on our journey of enlightenment and education.

Academic Excellence: -
  • Increased enrollment in diverse programs.
  • Launch of new courses aligned with contemporary knowledge and Buddhist wisdom.
  • Noteworthy achievements of students and faculty in academic pursuits, research, and publications.
Global Outreach: -
  • Strengthened international collaborations and partnerships.
  • Participation in global conferences, seminars, and academic exchanges.
  • Expansion of online learning initiatives, reaching a wider global audience.
Campus Development: -
  • Infrastructure enhancements to create a conducive learning environment.
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly campus initiatives.
  • Integration of technology for modern and effective teaching methodologies.
Community Engagement: -
  • Outreach programs and initiatives promoting social welfare.
  • Involvement in community service projects reflecting Buddhist values.
  • Partnerships with local communities for mutual growth and understanding.

Thank you for being a part of our journey as we continue to illuminate minds and inspire positive transformation through the fusion of academic excellence and Buddhist wisdom