
Board Of Studies

The Board of Studies at Dhamma Dipa International Buddhist University serves the following key purposes:

  1. Curriculum Development:

    • Designing, reviewing, and updating academic curricula to ensure relevance and alignment with the university's mission and goals.
  2. Quality Assurance:

    • Overseeing the quality of academic programs and assessments.
    • Implementing best practices to maintain high academic standards.
  3. Program Enhancement:

    • Identifying opportunities for the introduction of new courses and programs.
    • Ensuring a comprehensive and dynamic educational experience for students.
  4. Feedback Integration:

    • Integrating feedback from students, faculty, and industry experts into the curriculum design and review process.
    • Continuous improvement based on feedback mechanisms.
Composition of the Board

The Board of Studies comprises a diverse group of academic experts, faculty members, industry professionals, and representatives from relevant disciplines. This diverse composition ensures a holistic and well-rounded approach to curriculum development and enhancement.

Functions and Responsibilities

The Board of Studies undertakes several functions to fulfill its responsibilities:

  1. Curriculum Review and Approval:

    • Regularly reviewing existing academic programs to ensure they remain current and relevant.
    • Approving proposed changes to the curriculum, including the introduction of new courses.
  2. Assessment Methods:

    • Reviewing and recommending assessment methods that align with best practices in education.
    • Ensuring a fair and effective evaluation process for students.
  3. Industry Alignment:

    • Collaborating with industry professionals to ensure that academic programs meet industry standards.
    • Incorporating real-world applications into the curriculum.
  4. Innovation and Research:

    • Encouraging innovation and research initiatives within academic programs.
    • Integrating the latest developments and advancements in each field of study.
Engage with the Board of Studies

Dhamma Dipa International Buddhist University values the input of faculty, students, and industry experts in the decision-making processes of the Board of Studies. Your active participation contributes to the continuous improvement and excellence of our academic programs.